You're Not Alone
Published on December 6, 2004 By SameOldRat In Blogging
I am sick. It is winter now in the state of Minnesota, which is where I reside, which also means it is cold season. I am not one to usually get sick, but here I am with a killer cold. I just got off work, am sick, and life just seems to suck. My plans for tonite, pop some more cold medicine, take a long, hot bath, and hit the pillow early. To anyone else not feeling well, you're not alone. We're all in this together, so hopefully, maybe, this will cheer you up!
on Dec 06, 2004
I hope you feel better soon
on Dec 06, 2004
Ah, rat! I even let you use the toothbrush that hadn't fallen in the toilet, and you still got sick!!?? Hope you feel better soon, baby boy.
on Dec 06, 2004
I got over a cold a few weeks ago...I feel for ya ...keep warm, eat some soup, and hope you feel better.
on Dec 07, 2004
Get well soon. Snuggle with a bottle of your favourite something.
on Dec 07, 2004
Get feeling better! I have been feeling good, just snotty. Best wishes.
on Dec 07, 2004
hey rat try some green tea and brandy
doesnt really get you better but shit thats the alcoholics cold medicine!
I'll be in town this weekend hope your better by then. peace sun
on Dec 07, 2004
Thank you all. I'm feeling a little better today. Still got this damn cold though. Hopefully tomorrow I'll wake up and feel human again.
on Dec 07, 2004
I feel lousy too. It's cold season and the weather here is miserable- rain rain and more rain.

Hope you feel better soon.

Dyl xx