What is the meaning of "separation of church and state?" Is it like most other things and truly can't be defined simply because of the way one interprets concepts differently? Separation of church and state to me is simply defined as politics plus religion equals disater. People speak of Lieberman as a Jew or Bush as a Christian and I simply wonder what difference does it make. Do I honestly want somebody making decisions that effect my life with some other "power" guiding the outcome of each and every decision? No I don't. I am so fed up with politics that it pains my fingers to type theses words. I can understand being owned by a business. At least there is something to show for that. Greed drives a man to the money that they offer. What drives a man to dedicate his life to a god? What drives a man to believe decisions fo others should be made with the guidance of a power they don't believe in? My President would be agnostic. Believe in nothing and a decision can only then be made with a clear conscience. I wish somebody had the courage to run on that platform. They would definetly get my vote!